--[ Add sudo user to Kali ]

Open a terminal and issue the following command.

    #useradd -m

    -m creates a home directory for the user.
    Now we have to set a password for the user.


    It will ask you to create a new password.
    At this point, we have a new user account. But we might want to add our new user to the “sudoers” group, so that we can use “sudo” to do administrative actions.

    #usermod -a -G sudo

    The option -a means to add and ‘-G sudo’ means to add the user to the sudo group. If you want to know more about the usermod command, issue  #man usermod command to know more about usermod
    Now we have to specify the shell for our new user.

    #chsh -s /bin/bash

    chsh command is used to change the login shell for a user.
    All done.! you are all set. You could logout and login to your new account.