--[ Installing Chrome on Kali ]

Download .deb :

In a terminal:

#cd ~/Downloads
#dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

errors are fine, continue with :
apt-get install libappindicator1
apt-get -f install
to install dependencies.

To run it, create a new user and switch to that account as google won't run as root by default.

Or, create a user to su to and start chrome.
 First of all, we need to enable access to X server for all users
 Otherwise, the newly created user won't be able to run applications with GUI
 Issue the following command

#xhost +
Create a new user. For instance, John.

#adduser john
Provide the password when asked.

When the user is created, swith to it :
#su - john

Now you're in john's terminal, fire up chrome by typing: